Your Guide to Creating Your Own Indoor Jungle
Indoor Plants World
Indoor Plant Guide
Our care guides for individual plants. All you need to know about caring for your plants.
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In our blog you will find the latest hints and tips. FAQ questions about plants and much more.
Our Favourite Plants
It’s hard not being biased but these are Indoor Plants World favourite plants. This may change now and then.
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Ficus Lyrata
One of the trendiest indoor plants currently is the Fiddle Leaf Fig (ficus lyrate). Its huge, leatherlike as well as shiny fiddleshaped leaves include a specific architectural beauty to a room, especially when potted up in an advanced planter.
Swiss Cheese Plant
Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical plant from the Araceae family. Its name, as one could think, originates from the Latin significance “unusual” because of its odd-looking, perforated fallen leaves that are typically punched through holes.
Peace Lily
Peace lilies are probably one of the most common indoor house plants. The simple reason is that the Peace Lily is an extremely durable plant that needs little care and is very easy to grow.
Interested in learning more about indoor plants?
We have an amazing range of indoor plant guides that will help you care for your indoor plants.