The impatient plant owner may wonder why a pothos is growing so slowly. Pothos is a plant that’s native to the forests of Africa, but they grow all over the world now. They are a slow-growing climbing vine and need to be in high light places; it also needs good air circulation.
Some pothos owners may think that their plant is sick or dying when it has grown a little slower than before. However, this is not usually the case with pothos plants—they just have different growth rhythms from most other plants. This article will explore some possible reasons, such as the effect of light or placement of the plant.

What Causes Slow Growth of a Pothos?
Getting an understanding of what causes slow growth will help you fix the problem if you notice that your pothos has slowed down. Here are some of the main reasons pothos grows slowly:
Plant light:
Pothos plants need to thrive in bright indirect light. If the pothos plant is not in an area with enough light, it will grow slowly. This is because when a pothos’ leaves are not getting enough green energy, the plant will turn to other means for survival, such as storing more sugars in its roots. However, too much shade also slows the growth of a pothos.
Plant placement:
Pothos plants can also grow slowly when they are in too much shade. If the plant receives too little light for too long, it will stop growing. If it does not get enough light, a pothos plant will lose its green color and turn a dull gray color or yellow.
Green energy: A pothos plant does not get its green energy from the sun, as many other plants do. The plant gets its energy from carbon dioxide. The more CO 2 it gets, the less it needs light to sustain itself, and the happier it is. Therefore, if the temperature or humidity is too low and there is not as much CO 2 in the air, the pothos will grow more slowly.
A pothos plant can survive a wide array of temperatures as long as they are in a range that does not cause root damage or extreme cold. If the temperature is too high, the plant can die.Therefore, if there is not enough heat and you are having trouble keeping your pothos alive, you might need to lower the temperature. Pothos will survive in temperatures ranging from freezing to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pothos plants do not like high humidity. The leaves of a pothos will turn brown and brittle and the stems will feel too heavy for the plant to carry. Therefore, if the humidity is too high, the pothos plant will grow more slowly.
Tips to help your pothos grow fast
Some people have found that if they give their pothos plant extra light, it will grow more quickly. Although the plant does need a lot of light, simply moving an indoor pothos plant to a sunnier room might actually slow it down.
It is important to keep the temperature between 65-80 degrees farenheit for this tropical plant. Luckily there are a number of pothos plants that can survive in temperatures below 55 degrees and tolerate temperatures above 85 degrees, so there is no need for this plant to be kept inside.
The pothos plant should not be placed near any type of heat source, like radiators and ovens. This plant often grows very fast on windowsills or glass doors during the summer months. However, if the temperatures are too high, it can cause the plant to grow slower.
Often the pothos plant will get stressed out by having too much light. The most important thing to do is ensure that there is enough light and not too much of it. It is also best to avoid placing a pothos near anything that could potentially burn or overheat it, for this reason safety glass should be used in such areas.
About the Pothos
The pothos is a popular house plant . It is known as the money plant because it can thrive in low light conditions, and can even flourish when exposed to too much light. Its leaves are also smooth and shiny.
The pothos can be grown from cuttings, seeds or seedlings. When these cuttings are ready to be planted, they should be placed in a medium that is moist and rich with nutrients. The soil should contain nutrients that will best accommodate the pothos’ needs, such as organic potting soil. This will provide the best environment for it to grow and prosper.
Once the pothos plant has been planted in its new environment, it should be watered regularly. It can also benefit from being fed, especially if the weather is not ideal for growth. You should also ensure that you are giving the pothos plant enough light to survive in your home.
When a pothos plant grows slower than usual, many people think that they are doing something wrong with their plant care routine.