Houseplant otherwise known as indoor plants are plants grown indoors in offices and personal residence. Indoor plants for shaded areas are generally grown for the sole purpose of beautification. Research also shows that these plants also have positive the psychological effects on us as humans.
Planting indoor in shaded areas comes with many benefits. One of this is that it helps to reduce the watering. We should also remind ourselves that pest and diseases are easily controlled in the presence of shade. In this article, we will briefly discuss some indoor plants that thrive well in shaded areas.

Indoor Plants for Shaded Areas
- Peace Lilly
- Lucky bamboo
- Phalaenopsis orchids (moth orchids)
- Thanksgiving cactus
- Table palm
Peace lily

The scientific name for this plant is Spathiphyllum. Spathiphyllum is tropical, evergreen plants that grow well on the forest floor. Indoor varieties of peace lily usually grow within the range of 16 inches tall.
Peace lilies are among the top well known indoor plants. These plants are easy to care for, and they add extra beauty to your home.
Care of peace Lilly
- Locate your peace lily in the best indoor spot to prevent excessive solar penetration
- Ensure adequate application of water
- Mist the leaves of your peace lily on a regular basis using a spray bottle.
- Ensure the proper trimming of your plant to avoid excessive and uncontrolled growth.
- At instances where you will need to apply fertilizer, do so with all caution.
Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is scientifically known as Dracaena sanderiana named after a German–English man named Henry Frederick Conrad Sander.
The Lucky Bamboo does not belong to the family of the Bamboo but rather, it belongs to the Lily family. It has its origin from the tropical rainforests of Africa. One significant fact about this plant is that it does not thrive under direct sunlight and can grow in soil or water.
Care of Lucky Bamboo
- Keep your Lucky Bamboo from the reach of the direct sun.
- Use distilled water during the watering process
- Avoid drought occurrence of your lucky bamboo at all times.
- Do not apply excess water as doing this will produce adverse effects.
- Clean leaves at various intervals to prevent dust
Moth Orchid

Phalaenopsis is the botanical name for Moth orchid. Its genus consists of about 60 species. It has its origin from southeastern Asia.
Moth orchids possess short stem with broad leathery leaves. They are generally epiphytic and they can survive without soil anchorage.
Care of moth orchid
- Avoid excess application of water
- Ensure that the best potting materials are used in potting.
- Keep them from the reach of direct sunlight
- Keep your plants in a cool place to maintain its warmth.
- Ensure adequate feeding of your plant.
Thanksgiving cactus

Schlumbergera truncata is the botanical name for Thanksgiving cactus. It is always referred to as a leaf cactus since it lacks the true qualities of cactus. It exhibits epiphytic properties.
Care of Thanksgiving cactus
- Ensure your Thanksgiving cactus is kept from the sun during summer.
- Ensure that cultivation is carried out after blooming.
- Repotting should be done during early spring.
- Avoid excessive application of water on your Thanksgiving cactus.
- Keep the potting soil in a moist condition always
Goodluck palm/ Table palm

Table palm also known as good luck palm is an ornamental plant is usually found indoors. It is gotten from the Latin word chamaedorea elegans. It is well known for its beauty.
Care of Goodluck palm
- Adequate watering
- Provide the best lighting condition for the plant
- The potting should be carried out on a porous soil mix
- Fertilization is not a very crucial factor, but you can do so when necessary
- Apply organic neem oil to prevent pests and diseases of the crop
Indoor plants for shaded areas helps to purify the environment as well as clean the surrounding air. I recommend that Indoor plants should be part of all interior design. They are very instrumental in enhancing the interior looks of a building. Get some interior plants for shaded areas today, and you will get adequate dividends of the money spent.