Indoor Plants World

Indoor Plants World

Does Chinese evergreen grow fast?

Does Chinese evergreen grow fast?

The Chinese evergreen is a super common houseplant. They are thought to be one of the most common houseplants in America, and for good reason! Chinese evergreens require little maintenance and thrive on neglect. Chinese evergreen’s grow fast depending on…

Why is my pothos growing slow?

Why is my pothos growing slow?

The impatient plant owner may wonder why a pothos is growing so slowly. Pothos is a plant that’s native to the forests of Africa, but they grow all over the world now. They are a slow-growing climbing vine and need…

How do you prune umbrella plants?

How do you prune umbrella plants

Umbrella plants can become fairly bushy plants so you’re most likely want to know how do you prune umbrella plants? Pruning is a necessary part of caring for an umbrella plant. It will keep the plant healthy and reduce its…